Calculate common language effect size for 1 sample. See Using_CLES.ipynb for a notebook of given examples.
thetaHat = CL.CLES_1samp(data)
thetaHat = CL.CLES_1samp(data, Name=Value)
thetaHat = CL.CLES_1samp(data) returns common language effect size for 1 sample comparing mean to 0. example
thetaHat = CL.CLES_1samp(data, Name=Value) returns common language effect size for 1 sample with additional options specified by one or more name-value pair arguments. For example, you can compare to a mean of 15. example
Example 1
Generate some data and calculate the common language effect size.
group2 = np.random.normal(5,3, (100,))
thetaHat = 95.0
Example 2
Generate some data and calculate the common language effect size against a mean of 4.
group2 = np.random.normal(5,3, (100,))
CL.CLES_1samp(group2, mu=4)
thetaHat = 55.00
Data vector.
Vector of data to find common language effect size against.
Data Types: (vector, numeric)
Name-Value Arguments
Specified optional pairs of Name=Value
arguments. Name
is the is the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN
Example: mu=15
specifies a comparison against a mean of 15.
Mean for comparison (default=0)
Mean to compare data vector against.
Data Types: (scalar, float)
Effect size.
Common language effect size. This value will be between 50 andn 100. This value can be interpreted as the percentage or chance a value from one group is larger than a value from the other group. A thetHat of 50 would me groups are essentially from same distribution. A thetaHat of 100 would mean that 100% of the data in one group is larger than the data in the other group.
Data Types: (scalar, float, numeric)
More About
I refrained from outputting size of effect (e.g., ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’) because these are arbitrary and should be thought of as such.
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