Code All of the code for this project can be found here. To recreate figures and analyses from paper, follow these steps: Download the main branch of the repo. Unzip the data. Update the data path to your device. Go to Code folder of downloaded repo and edit line 8 of to …/what-is-covering-me/Data Create a new Python environment using Anaconda in the terminal. cd .../what-is-covering-me/Code conda env create -n CoverTypeProject -f CoverTypeProject.yml Using the CoverTypeProject environment, run the following notebooks to recreate the following figures from the paper/presentation: Figure 2 : Tree Pic Collage Generator.ipynb Figure 3 : Blackard_Dean_99.ipynb Figures 4-9 : simulate2D_models.ipynb Figures 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20 : TheEnsemble.ipynb Figure 11 : KNN_param_search.ipynb Figure 13 : SVM_param_search.ipynb Figure 15 : LDA_param_search.ipynb Figure 17 : QDA_param_search.ipynb