Permutation test



Non-parametric permutation test to compare groups. See Using_permutation_test.mlx for a notebook of given examples.


pval = permutation_test(data1, data2)

pval = permutation_test(data1, data2, Name, Value)



pval = permutation_test(data1, data2) returns the p-value for a two-sided permutation test comparing mean between two independent samples. example


pval = permutation_test(data1, data2, Name, Value) returns the p-value for a permutation test with additional options specified by one or more name-value pair arguments. For example, you can do a one-sided test or compare medians instead of means. example


Example 1

Compare mean of two independent samples. This is equivalent to default ttest2.

mu1 = 0; sigma1 = 1; n1 = 20; 
mu2 = 0.2; sigma2 = 1.3; n2 = 20; 
groupA = normrnd(mu1, sigma1, [n1,1]);
groupB = normrnd(mu2, sigma2, [n2,1]); 

p = permutation_test(groupA, groupB)

p = 0.7318

Example 2

Compute a one-sided independent difference of medians with parallel computing.

mu1 = 0; sigma1 = 1; n1 = 20; 
mu2 = 0.2; sigma2 = 1.3; n2 = 20; 
groupA = normrnd(mu1, sigma1, [n1,1]);
groupB = normrnd(mu2, sigma2, [n2,1]); 

p = permutation_test(groupA, groupB, 'alternative', 'less', 'test_fun', @median, 'parQuick', true)

p = 0.7897

Input Arguments


Group 1 data.

Data vector for first group.

Data Types: (numeric, vector)


Group 2 data.

Data vector for second group.

Data Types: (numeric, vector)

Name-Value Arguments

Specified optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name musta ppear inside single or double quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.

Example: 'alternative', 'less' specifies a test that the group average of data1 is less than the group average of data2.


Compute the paired difference (default=false)

Determine if algorithm should compute the paired difference.

Options: false, true

Data Types: (boolean, scalar)


Alternative hypothesis (default=’two-sided’)

Alternative hypothesis for algorithm to use.

Options: two-sided, greater, less

Data Types: (string/character, scalar)


Population average (default=0)

Average to use for population if doing one-sample test.

Data Types: (numeric, scalar)


Number of iterations to permute. (default=1000000)

Number of permutations to compute. The larger the number, the long the computation, but more stable the estimate.

Data Types: (numeric, positive, integer, scalar)


Visualize result (default=false)

Whether or not to visualize the histogram of group differences.

Options: false, true

Data Types: (boolean, scalar)


Function for statistic to compare between groups (default=@mean)

Statistic to compute and compare permuted group values.

Data Types: (function handle)


Use parallel computation (default=false)

Whether or not to use parallel computation.

Options: false, true

This will decrease overall computation time if one needs to do multiple permutation tests within a script. This function will create MATLAB workers and leave them running assuming you will reuse the workers.

To manually shut-down workers, use the code delete(gcp()).

Data Types: (boolean, scalar)


Boundary for determining significance (default=nan)

Manually set boundary for comparison.

Data Types: (numeric, scalar)



p-value of permutation test.

The probability of observing a test statistic as extreme, or more, than the observed value given the null hypothesis.

Data Types: (numeric, scalar)

More About

This is a great function to use for analyses. This function supports one- and two-tailed tests. It can used in combination with CLES to determine a non-parametric effect size of the difference.


I would suggest adding both permutation_test.m and functionSignatures.json to a folder that is in your MATLAB path. The permutation_test.m contains the function and the functionSignatures.json will you give custom suggestions and code completion for when you call permutation_test in a script or notebook.

If you already have a functionSignatures.json file in your folder, just add the pertinent code to the original functionSignatures.json.

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