Permutation test



Non-parametric permutation test to compare groups.. See Using_permutation_test.ipynb for a notebook of given examples.


from permutation_test import permutation_test

pval = permutation_test(data1, data2)

pval = permutation_test(data1, data2, Name=Value)



pval = permutation_test(data1, data2) returns the p-value for a two-sided permutation test comparing mean between two independent samples. example


pval = permutation_test(data1, data2, Name=Value) returns the p-value for a permutation test with additional options specified by one or more name-value pair arguments. For example, you can do a one-sided test or compare medians instead of means. example


Example 1

Compare mean of two independent samples. This is equivalent to default scipy.stats.ttest_ind.

# create data 
A = np.random.normal(0,1,[50,])
B = np.random.normal(0,1,[50,])

p = permutation_test(data1=A, data2=B, vis=True)

p = 0.5220

Example 2

Compute a one-sided independent difference of medians with parallel computing.

# create data 
A = np.random.normal(0,1,[50,])
B = np.random.normal(0,1,[50,])

p = permutation_test(data1=A, data2=B, vis=True, parQuick=True)

p = 0.5217

Input Arguments


Group 1 data.

Data vector for first group.

Data Types: (numeric, vector)


Group 2 data.

Data vector for second group.

Data Types: (numeric, vector)

Name-Value Arguments

Specified optional pairs of Name=Value arguments. Name is the is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN.

Example: alternative='less' specifies a test that the group average of data1 is less than the group average of data2.


Compute the paired difference (default=false)

Determine if algorithm should compute the paired difference.

Options: false, true

Data Types: (boolean, scalar)


Alternative hypothesis (default=’two-sided’)

Alternative hypothesis for algorithm to use.

Options: two-sided, greater, less

Data Types: (string/character, scalar)


Population average (default=0)

Average to use for population if doing one-sample test.

Data Types: (numeric, scalar)


Number of iterations to permute. (default=1000000)

Number of permutations to compute. The larger the number, the long the computation, but more stable the estimate.

Data Types: (numeric, positive, integer, scalar)


Visualize result (default=false)

Whether or not to visualize the histogram of group differences.

Options: false, true

Data Types: (boolean, scalar)


Function for statistic to compare between groups (default=numpy.mean)

Statistic to compute and compare permuted group values.

Data Types: (function handle)


Use parallel computation (default=false)

Whether or not to use parallel computation via numba.

Options: false, true

This will decrease overall computation time drastically. Highly recommended.

Data Types: (boolean, scalar)


Boundary for determining significance (default=None)

Manually set boundary for comparison.

Data Types: (numeric, scalar)



p-value of permutation test.

The probability of observing a test statistic as extreme, or more, than the observed value given the null hypothesis.

Data Types: (numeric, scalar)

More About

This is a great function to use for analyses. This function supports one- and two-tailed tests. It can used in combination with CLES to determine a non-parametric effect size of the difference.


Set parQuick to true. It will speed up the code a lot.

Issues and Discussion

Issues and Discussion.

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